Premiere of "La voix humaine"

Today Panevėžys Music Theater opens the curtain for Poulenc's La voix humaine. The claustrophobic room described by Jean Cocteau gets a twist in this production to highlight the isolation and loneliness of the protagonist. It is a space where a phone gains existential importance, as it is her only connection with the outside world. 

Directing "La voix humaine" in Lithuania

Panevėžys Music Theater is set to shake up its audiences with the highly anticipated premiere of Francis Poulenc's "La voix humaine" on October 5, 2024. This one-act opera, renowned for its emotional depth and intense monologue, features a libretto by Jean Cocteau and centers on a woman's final phone conversation with her lover.

Premiere of "Ein bißhen Trallala" in Vienna

An evening full of captivating music, humor, feathers and sequins. A Little Trallalala – A Homage to Fritzi Massary and Max Pallenberg with Ruth Brauer-Kvam and Robert Palfrader premieres on March 27th at Volksoper Vienna. 
Photo: Barbara Pálffy

Full video of  Cendrillon by Massenet

Video of the 2023 production of Massenet's sparkling masterpiece "Cendrillon" is now available in full length at the Youtube channel of Pärnu International Opera Music Festival PromFest. The video has English subtitles.

Premiere of CENDRILLON

Opera "Cendrillon" will premiere today at the Kaunas State Musical Theatre, Lithuania. "Cendrillon" is an opera - described as a "fairy tale" - in four acts by Jules Massenet to a French libretto by Henri Caïn based on Perrault's 1698 version of the Cinderella fairy tale.

Opera "Cendrillon" dressed to the nines

The first rehearsal week of "Cendrillon" by Jules Massenet draws to an end. 
In this production, the Cinderella fairy tale takes place on the backdrop of the glamorous world of fashion, complete with runway shows and model fittings. The staging zooms in on the lives and ambitions of the wealthy and powerful De La Haltière family. It deals with the topic of dull reality versus irresistible virtual reality. And, of course, tells a story of a young woman living in forsaken circumstances whose life suddenly changes to remarkable fortune. Using the original ballet music of the piece, "Cendrillon" will have three fashion shows demonstrating the creations of the high-end fashion label De La Haltière. All of the collections are put together using the principles of circularity - redesigning garments and recapturing “waste” as a resource to manufacture new products.

Massenet's Cendrillon underway

Cendrillon is an opera described as a "fairy tale in music" by Jules Massenet, based on Perrault's 1698 version of the Cinderella fairy tale. The opera is produced by  Pärnu International Opera Music Festival PromFest in cooperation with Kaunas State Musical Theatre. The premiere of the opera about overcoming self-doubt and achieving true happiness is set to take place on September 7th, 2023.

Les Contes d'Hoffmann

Have a peek through the looking glass into the curious world of Offenbach's "Les Contes d'Hoffmann" where nothing is quite what it seems...
Here are a virtual stage model and costume sketches made for an international directing competition. The competition aimed at selecting the best artistic concept for opera “Les Contes d’Hoffmann”, to be staged as a new production in the 2022 / 2023 Season.

"Kratt" returns

Ballet "Kratt" (the Goblin) by Eduard Tubin (choreographed by Marina Kesler) returns to the stage of Estonian National Opera. The upcoming performances will introduce new dancers into the main roles - William Newton, Marcus Nilson, Ketlin Oja and Anna Roberta. 

From the shoe workshop

The characters of "Il Turco in Italia" literally take to their heels, escaping from the drawings and ending up as real objects. Here is a quick look into the workshop of Marina Kazijeva who crafts the glitzy footwear of this opera by hand.

Rehearsals begin for "Il Turco"

The story of Rossini's “Il Turco in Italia” revolves around a young Turkish prince, who driven by a tempest, lands in Italy and falls in love with the first pretty woman that chance throws in his way. Object of his desire, a beautiful Italian Fiorilla is of course delighted with the attention and sees this as a welcome opportunity to torment her jealous husband. The plot thickens when it turns out that the prince also has an abandoned mistress still in love with him and Fiorella is admired by a lover who is not yet willing to give up his position. A worthy scenario for an opera, soap-opera or indeed… a TV show.

Full video of "I Capuleti e i Montecchi"

Video of the 2019 production of Bellini's sparkling masterpiece "I Capuleti e i Montecchi" is now available in full length at the Youtube channel of Pärnu International Opera Music Festival PromFest.

Experimental "La Dispute" in Berlin

"La Dispute", a comedy written by one of the most important French playwrights of the 18th century Pierre de Marivaux will open on the stage of UNI.T theater Berlin in May 2020.

The intriguing story features orphans  who have been raised in isolation, from the world and from each other. An aristocrat releases these human guinea pigs into a sinister Garden of Eden to solve the question of whether man or woman is more faithful. Topics of  love, sex and jealousy take on a new form in this experimental adaptation that not only mixes up the characters but also fuses  Marivaux' brilliant text with movement and music.

Take a stroll in the 3D model of the production and see some costume drawings to get started.

Full video of "Xiaodie"

Now you can see the full video of modern dance performance "My name is Xiaodie but you can call me baby" online.
"Xiaodie" explores the pleasures found in technology and is danced to the beat of live music mix by Hannaliisa Uusma.

Premiere of "Zanaida"

A forgotten treasure - J:Bach's opera "Zanaida" will have its premiere tonight at Staatstheater Mainz, Germany. See some drawings for the production as well as behind-the-scenes video here.

J.C.Bach's opera "Zanaida" at Mainz

This week brings the first rehearsals of J.C.Bach's opera "Zanaida" at  Staatstheater Mainz, Germany. The brand new production of this near-forgotten opera is led by musical director Adam Benzwi and stage director Max Hopp. Set and costume designer of the opera is Madis Nurms, lights by René Zensen and dramaturg is Christin Hagemann.  The opera has a fresh German libretto by Doris Decker.

New pictures of "I Capuleti"

Here is a selection of fresh images from the Lithuanian premiere of Bellini's "I Capuleti e i Montecchi" caught by photographer Domas Rimeika.

"I Capuleti" premiere in Lithuania

Today Bellini's bel canto masterpiece "I Capuleti e i Montecchi" will have it's second premiere, the opening night in Lithuania, on the stage of the National Kaunas Drama Theatre. 

"My name is Xiaodie but you can call me baby"

It's time to kick off the season with a modern dance performance that explores the pleasures found in technology. "My name is Xiaodie..." premieres on September 20, 2019 at STL - theatre and a contemporary dance platform in Tallinn. The choreography of the piece is by Indrek Kornel, live music Hannaliisa Uusma, scenography Madis Nurms and lights by Anton Kulagin

Premiere of "I Capuleti" - Gallery

It's time to rise the curtain for the premiere of Bellini's "I Capuleti e i Montecchi" in Pärnu, Estonia.  The stage director of the production is Katrin Tegova, musical director Erki Pehk, set and costume designer Madis Nurms, choreographer Dainius Bervingis, lighting designer Margus Vaigur, video by Argo Valdmaa. 

The design is inspired by two musical moments in the opera: first a recurring theme from Sinfonia that resembles galloping horses and secondly a phrase from Giulietta's aria:  "I burn, a blaze, a fire  all my torment" (Ardo...una vampa, un foco  tutta mi strugge). First of the two inspired the central images of the set design, another provided the gleaming-hot orange color scheme of the costumes.    

Exhibition of costumes in Pärnu

On May 13, an exhibit of the works by designer Madis Nurms will be opened in Pärnu. The opening of the exhibition also marks the beginning of the international opera festival PromFest.

Preparing "I Capuleti"

See how the bel canto masterpiece Bellini's "I Capuleti e i Montecchi" is coming together in the workshops of Kaunas State Music Theatre in Lithuania. 

Last three "Aidas"

After four years of performances its time to say goodbye to the production of G.Verdi's "Aida". 

Second article about color stereotypes

January issue of Estonian magazine Teater.Muusika.Kino brings the second part of an article by Madis Nurms about color stereotypes. The piece explores the conventions of using color in the contemporary productions of romantic operas. Namely the tendencies of costume designers to pair certain colors with particular roles.

Could the presence of these stereotypes in the contemporary productions of nineteenth century opera be proven by using statistical data? And if so, can costume designers derive from them without damaging the audience’s perception of characters or the narrative of the opera? Can the playful nature of Regietheater be expanded onto the field of costume design – can the designers really get away with experimenting with color?

Have a look at "I Capuleti" design

The set and costume designs for an upcoming staging of V.Bellini's "I Capuleti e i Montecchi" are transferred to Kaunas State Music Theatre in Lithuania. Based on these drawings both the set and costumes are made in the workshops of the theatre. Delve into the world of models and drawings here:

Premiere of "La belle Hélène" on Monday

On December 17th a Christmas production of Jacques Offenbach's "La belle Hélène" will premiere at the Universität der Künste Berlin. "La belle Hélène", otherwise known as "The Beautiful Helen" or "Die schöne Helena" is an opéra bouffe from 1864 that revolves around the ancient legend of Helen's elopement with prince Paris, which set off the Trojan War.  Take a sneak peak at the rehearsals here.

New production of "I Capuleti e i Montecchi"

Today the new production of Bellini's opera "I Capuleti e i Montecchi " will be publicly announced. Premieré of this bel canto masterpiece is scheduled to take place on  May 19th, 2019 at Endla Theatre, Pärnu. The stage director of the production is Katrin Tegova, musical director Erki Pehk, set and costume designer Madis Nurms and lighting designer Margus Vaigur.

Ballet "GO" on tour in China

Ballet "GO - a Game for Two" travels to China next week for guest performances at major cities Shanghai, Dalian and Hangzhou. "GO" is an original ballet staged by Teet Kask, based on the music of Lepo Sumera that had its premiere in 2014.

"La belle Hélène" in Berlin

On December 17th a christmas production of "La belle Hélène" will have its premiere at the Universität der Künste Berlin.  "La belle Hélène", otherwise known as "The Beautiful Helen" or "Die schöne Helena", is an opéra bouffe in three acts by Jacques Offenbach. The piece revolves around the story of Helen's elopement with prince Paris, which set off the Trojan War.

Have a look here for the costume drawings and a sneak-peek video.

Article about color stereotypes

In the October issue of Estonian magazine Teater.Muusika.Kino an article by Madis Nurms about color stereotypes can be found.  The article looks into the color conventions in representing the popular characters in the contemporary productions of nineteenth century opera. In other words: the tendencies of costume designers to pair certain colors with particular roles.

"Carmen ❤ Jazz" returns as a vast open air show

This experimental composition combines iconic arias and duets from Bizet’s “Carmen” with the free flowing musicality of Estonian Dream Big Band. "Carmen Loves Jazz" had its first night last summer at Saaremaa Opera Days and will return for only one performance at the massive open air stage of Viljandi Song Square on June 2nd, 2018.

Review of "Pierrot Lunaire"

Musicologist Kristel Pappel writes of her impressions from "Pierrot Lunaire in the fresh issue of monthly classical music magazine "Muusika"  giving the production an excellent review:
Nurms succeeded splendidly in walking on the edge of different eras - images and colors referring to 20th century cubism and Art Nouveau with contemporary refined, playful fashion design, all united under the term "stylization"
Muusika - May 2018
Some excerpts from the review can be found here:

Premiere of "Blue"

This Sunday, April 8, 2018 marks the premiere of a new dance piece "Blue" by Kalli Pikas at the Karlova Theatre, Tartu. Design of "Blue" mixes mandalas painted using traditional methods with projected video and lighting to create an unique light-play on the dancers bodies and  in the performance space.

Directing Schoenberg's "Pierrot Lunaire" 

Pierrot Lunaire, Op. 2
1 ("Moonstruck Pierrot" or "Pierrot in the Moonlight") is a landmark in modern music by Arnold Schoenberg. It consists of 21 poems set to atonal music. The expressionistic text of the piece echoes German cabaret and is performed using Sprechgesang - an otherworldly style of dramatic vocalization intermediate between speech and song. A moonstruck production of "Pierrot Lunaire" opens 31 of March 2018 with soprano Ksenia Kuchukova in the title role. Date of the premiere also happens to mark the second Full Moon in March; a rare occurrence termed "the blue moon".

Cabaret program of Désirée Nick

Set and lighting design for the show of German singer and actress Désirée Nick on a Caribbean cruise ship.

Désirée Nick is a multi-faceted artist, known for her performances as an actress/singer from manifold performances at the Friedrichstadtpalast, Komische Oper Berlin, the Renaissance Theater, Volksbühne, Gorki Theater etc.

The cabaret program balances between glamour, grotesque and comedy, it offers a cross-section of the music from the Golden Twenties, the decade of the 1920s in Germany. She is accompanied by pianist Adam Benzwi, conductor of the Komische Oper Berlin and a specialist of popular music from the twenties and thirties.

"La Traviata" premieré in Kaunas

The bittersweet story of  a glamorous courtesan Violetta Valéry has it's premieré tomorrow at the Kaunas State Musical Theatre with Anna Denisova from Mariinsky Theatre and Ilya Silchukov and Victor Mendelev from the Bolshoi State Opera of Belarus in the main roles.

Full video of "La Traviata"

The full performance of PromFest production of Giuseppe Verdi's "La Traviata" is now available on YouTube.  Winners of the Klaudia Taev Competition for opera singers lead the cast of this gloomy story.
When a glamorous call girl Violetta Valéry finds love in her admirer Alfredo Germont, it seems nothing can keep them apart. But the rules of society and family expectations betray them, and Violetta’s fate takes a tragic turn.

"Kratt" goes to Russia and Finland

Ballet "Kratt" (choreographed by Marina Kesler) lights up the stage of Mariinsky Theatre in Saint Petersburg on October 23th and Alexander Theatre in Helsinki on November 21-22, 2017. The guest performances coincide with the release of the DVD of the production. DVD was produced by Estonian Public Broadcasting and directed by a seasoned TV director Ruti Murusalu who specializes in capturing dance on film. 

"Aida" returns

It's time to raise the curtain on Giuseppe Verdi's "Aida" for only three performances this year. Soloists of this production are of many nationalities (Lithuania, Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia and Estonia) so the performances are quite rare. There are only three shows of "Aida" in 2017. 

"In theory the idea of opera-thug Nurms directing the utterly lyrical „Aida“ seems like an act of aesthetic vandalism or even an iconoclasm. In practice the meeting of the romantic opera and a postmodernist director/designer turned out to be rather exciting, with all the virtues and disadvantages of the experiment itself."

Postimees - June 2nd 2015

"La Traviata" at Birgitta Festival

For a few August nights, the imposing ruins of the Pirita monastery are turned into a modern opera house where various genres of musical theatre are performed. This year a performance of "La Traviata" lights up the dim August nights.

"Carmen Loves Jazz" at Saaremaa Opera Days

An experimental composition by Siim Aimla combines iconic arias and duets from Bizet’s “Carmen” with the free flowing musicality of Estonian Dream Big Band. "Carmen Loves Jazz" is directed by Marina Kesler and has it's first night on July 20th at Saaremaa Opera Days.

First night of "Waiting" tomorrow

The stage is already set for tomorrow's premieré - Indrek Kornel's dance piece "Waiting". The performance is site-specific and takes place at the Museum of Occupations. The location is specially adapted for the choreography and performing at a museum gives a playful dimension to the subject matter of the piece.

"La traviata" at Pärnu Concert Hall

Today is the second performance of a new production of Verdi's "La traviata" at the Pärnu Concert Hall.
The design of the opera is based on the concept of downfall and decay. The subject of fading fairness becomes especially relevant in the story of a fallen woman who’s only valued for her external beauty. The sharp angles and brilliant surfaces of the set design are meant to form an urban background for the sinister costumes – and to bring to life the “crowded desert which is known to men as Paris.”

Premieré of "Nocturne" today

The experimental short-ballet "Nocturne", inspired by nocturnal creatures and music by Frédéric Chopin will be performed tonight for the first time at the stage of Estonian National Opera in Tallinn.

Premieré of "La traviata" today

"La traviata" by Giusepe Verdi will open today at Vanemuine Theatre, Tartu. 

The stage director of the production is Anu Lamp, musical director Erki Pehk, set and costume designer Madis Nurms, co-director/choreographer Ingmar Jõela, lighting designer Margus Vaigur and video designer Janek Karakatš

Pictures from the dress rehearsal

"Nocturne" dress rehearsal today

Short ballet "Nocturne" choreographed by Tõnu Veiler, designed by Madis Nurms will premieré on May 8th at the Estonian National Opera. The scenography uses abstract video-visuals that react to the impulses from the music. So every time there is a change in the music of Chopin, the stage visuals will slightly alter.

Making of "La traviata" 2

Here's another look into the workshops of Kaunas State Music Theatre. Video shows the sets and costumes getting ready for the first stage rehearsals of "La traviata". Premieré on May 5th 2017.

Stars of "Waiting" get their costumes

Today the soloists of "Waiting" - dance piece by Indrek Kornel - wear their finished costumes for the first dress-rehearsal.  

The "memory gowns" are made of two metallic fabrics with different density to create the unusual form and are adorned with images of importance from the performers past.

Sneak peak at the "Nocturne" costumes

Here's an opportunity to peek into the workshops and get a glimpse of some of the costumes that are prepared for short-ballet "Nocturne".

The costumes are made using laser cutting technology. A laser is used to cut abstract patterns into different materials. All the fabrics that are picked for the ballet play with light - are either sheer, luminous or reflective. The design uses them together with the cutting technology and directional theatre lights to create an unique visual effect and to highlight the dancers movements in the darkness.

New short ballet "Nocturne"

A short ballet "Nocturne" choreographed by Tõnu Veiler, designed by Madis Nurms will premieré on May 8th at the Estonian National Opera.

The music of the ballet is by Frédéric Chopin who composed his nocturnes - 21 pieces for solo piano - between 1827 and 1846. They are generally considered among the finest short solo works for the instrument and hold an important place in contemporary concert repertoire.

First run-through of "Waiting"

Rehearsals of dance performance "Waiting" have reached a point where the entire performance can be run from beginning to end, exactly as the real performances will be. 

In "Waiting" two seasoned dancers Reet Paavel and Ülle Toming, both in their sixties, use their changed bodies to tell a story about their love for dance. The world of professional dance can be ruthless - in each passing year, many of its brightest stars are replaced by fresher, much younger bodies. While experience and longevity are still respected, the dancers need to be on the stage dies hard.

"La traviata" design goes to Kaunas

Today the set and costume designs for an upcoming staging of G.Verdi's "La traviata" are transferred to Kaunas State Music Theatre, Lithuania. Based on these drawings both the set and costumes are made in the workshops of the theatre.

The design of the opera is based on the concept of downfall and decay. The sharp angles and brilliant surfaces of the set design form an urban background for the sinister costumes. 

"Kratt" guest performances IN Tartu

Today ballet "Kratt" (The Goblin) by Eduard Tubin has two long anticipated guest performances at Vanemuine Theatre, Tartu.

The choreographer of the piece is Marina Kesler, music director Vello Pähn, set designer Madis Nurms, costume designer Gerly Tinn, lights by Karmen Tellisaar and video by Argo Valdmaa.

Rescuers parade uniforms on the red carpet

Photos: Karin Kaljuläte (Delfi)

Four voluntary rescuers wore the parade uniform of the rescuers at the festive reception of the President of the Republic on the Estonian Independence Day. From the left you can see parliament member  Artur Talvik (with his wife Anneli Talvik) in the uniform of sea rescue unit, Marge Zaidullin and Voldemar Zaidullin who are the founding members of the Aasukalda rescue brigade and the chairman of Estonian Volunteer Rescue Association Rait Killandi (with his wife Karmel Killandi) in the parade uniforms of fire squads.

Rehearsals for a new dance performance

Two seasoned dancers Reet Paavel and Ülle Toming, both in their sixties, use their changed bodies to tell a story about their love for dance. The world of professional dance can be ruthless - in each passing year, many of its brightest stars are replaced by fresher, much younger bodies. While experience and longevity are respected, the dancers need to be on the stage dies hard.

Promising young choreographer Indrek Kornel now explores the themes of changing bodies and the urge to stay active in a piece both nostalgic and light-hearted. The main subject is how to find ways for retired dancers to reinvent themselves as the world around them is inevitably changing. The performance is set to the music of Sergei Prokofiev and uses an excerpt of Ludwig van Beethoven’s sonata.

New production of "La traviata"

This week marks the beginning of rehearsals of "La traviata" - an opera by Italian composer Giuseppe Verdi. Premieré will take place on  May 5th, 2017 at Vanemuine Theatre, Tartu. The stage director of the production is Anu Lamp, musical director Erki Pehk, set and costume designer Madis Nurms, choreographer Ingmar Jõela and lighting designer Margus Vaigur.

Last "Aida" this year

Last performance of "Aida" in 2016 starts this Sunday, November 27 at 16:00.

This production of "Aida" has a happy ending – giving hope that a way out has to exist even from the most hopeless situation. And the opera is ended, fittingly, by the character who changes most during the events –  princess Amneris, saying to the audience, the cast but most of all to herself: “Peace!”. An appeal which gains a profound significance in the uncertain world that surrounds us today.

First look at the female rescuers in uniform

Photos by Reet Sau

Marge Zaidullin, the best voluntary rescue promoter in 2015 is the first woman to wear the brand new parade uniform of the Estonian voluntary rescuers. She is the founding member of the Aasukalda rescue brigade, working as an active rescuer but also contributing in the fields of fire prevention and youth work.

"Kratt" at the Helikon Opera

This Sunday, October 16th, ballet "Kratt" (The Goblin) by Eduard Tubin will be performed at the Helikon Opera. Helikon Opera is a Russian opera company based in Moscow, specializing in unconventional productions. The company was founded by stage director Dmitry Bertman and gave its first performance in 1990.

Watch the trailer - Aida in 2016

Opera "Aida" is on the stage of Vanemuine Theatre in Tartu for last three times this year.
First of the performances takes place on Thursday, October 6th.

Prototype of the Rescuers beret

The first model of the beret that belongs to the uniform of the Estonian Volunteer Rescuers was finished today. From this unique model all future berets for the volunteers are developed.

"Kratt" comes back to life

As of September "Kratt" (the Goblin) is back on the stage of Estonian National Opera. "Kratt" holds a special importance for the Estonians since it is based on national folklore and is also the first ballet with a score by an Estonian composer, Eduard Tubin.

Premiere of Undine today

Ballet "Undine" by Marina Kesler premieres today in the Estonian National Opera.  Ballet celebrates the 70th anniversary of Tallinn Ballet School and in the leading roles are this year's graduates Marita Weinrank and Marjana Fazullina alongside with Jevgeni Grib, soloist of Estonian National Ballet.


 "Undine" by Marina Kesler had it's first rehearsal on the stage of Estonian National Opera today.  See the design HERE >>

Three performances of Aida

Opera "Aida" is again on the stage of Vanemuine Theatre in Tartu. Since the cast for this production consists of many nationalities - singers from Lithuania, Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia and Estonia - the performances are quite rare. There are only three performances of "Aida" in the spring 2016. First of the three already on this Thursday.

This "Aida" has a happy ending – giving hope that a way out has to exist even from the most hopeless situation. And the opera is ended, fittingly, by the character who changes most during the events –  princess Amneris, saying to the audience, the cast but most of all to herself: “Peace!”. An appeal which gains a profound significance in the uncertain world that surrounds us today.

Undine in Estonian National Opera

An original ballet Undine by Marina Kesler premieres May 29th in the Estonian National Opera. 

It is loosely based on the 1939 play “Ondine” by French dramatist Jean Giradoux and revolves around soulless water nymphs undines. Though inspired by mythical concept, the ballet explores day-to-day themes of faithfulness, jealousy and rage. 

In the main roles are soloists of Estonian National Ballet and Tallinn Ballet School.

Undine, also spelled Ondine, is a mythological figure of European tradition, a female water nymph who becomes human when she falls in love with a man but is doomed to die if he is unfaithful to her. 

Undine was first mentioned in the writings of the Swiss author Paracelsus, who put forth his theory that there are spirits called “undines” who inhabit the element of water.  The word is from the Latin unda, meaning “wave” or “water.”

See the design HERE >>

Article about blackface in opera

In the March issue of Estonian magazine Teater.Muusika.Kino an article by Madis Nurms about blackface makeup and it’s usage in opera can be found. Blackface is a form of theatrical makeup used by performers to represent a black person. By the mid-20th century, changing attitudes about race and racism effectively ended the prominence of blackface makeup used in performance in theatre.  One major exception is opera where blackface is still today widely regarded as normal and acceptable.

Contemporary scenographer can approach the usage of black makeup in operas like “Aida” and “Otello” in basically three different ways:  a) use it in decorative fashion - see it separated  from it’s social context and historical background  b ) in declaratory way  - using it to stress the issues of race and racism ( a la Hans Neuenfels ) or c ) to abandon its use altogether.

Full article (in Estonian) can be read HERE >>

Rescuers parade Uniform on the red carpet

Foto: Erlend Štaub (Postimees)

Member of the parliament Mr. Artur Talvik wore a festive uniform designed for volunteer sea rescue teams at the reception of the President of the Republic of Estonia and Mrs. Ieva Ilves on the Estonian Independence Day. Talvik is well-known Estonian film producer and screenwriter.

Costumes of "GO" displayed at Tartu Art School

Year 2016 marks the 65th anniversary year of Tartu Art School. To celebrate the jubilee, teachers and school staff will display their art in a very diverse exhibition showing paintings, watercolors, top-class crafts, music, poems, graphics, furniture, and much more.  Exhibit also features three costumes from the ballet "GO - a Game for Two".

Opening of the exhibition will take place on February 23 at 12.15 in the lobby of the school. All are welcome!
Dress code of the event is blue black and white


First pieces of clothing for the Estonian Volunteer Rescue Association designed by Madis Nurms are now ready. The first component of firefighting equipment is the uniform that a firefighter will wear around the station. Also the first batch of metal buttons for the parade uniform of the rescuers arrived today. Both embellished with image of stylized "V" that stands for "volunteer".

Premiere of "Kratt" tonight

The ballet "Kratt" will open tonight at the Estonian National Opera. 
The set design combines stories from Estonian folklore with contemporary themes and materials. The two acts of the ballet are supported by two main figures in the set design - a sleek factory, constructed of aluminium and sheer plastic, and wooden but soulless tree. Geometrical shapes used in the design elements are inspired by embroidery patterns.

Video teaser of ballet "Kratt"

Production preview video of ballet "Kratt" (Goblin) at the Estonian National opera. Some parts of the set design will make their debut at the end of this video.

Parts of "Kratt" on the stage for the first time

Ballet Kratt

“The Goblin” is the first Estonian ballet as well as Eduard Tubin’s first work for a music theatre. The work is based on a mythical character from Estonian folklore, the Goblin, whose sole purpose is to serve his greedy master, the Farmer, in obtaining riches. In Marina Kesler’s rendition, the story crosses the borders of one nation’s folklore: in a contemporary money-hungry world the Goblin is like a voice in people’s head, finding excuses why there is never enough money.

"Aida" at Birgitta festival

Giuseppe Verdi's "Aida", directed and designed by Madis Nurms is performed tomorrow August 12th at Pirita convent, Tallinn during the 11th Birgitta Festival. 

Giuseppe Verdi took a principled stand on human rights. He never visited Egypt and in his correspondence he has stated that he could never admire the Ancient Egyptian civilization that had based its achievements on slavery and authoritarian power. In the libretto of “Aida” too, what fascinated him beyond the glitter of Egypt, was the impotence of man before the theocratic state. And thus PromFest’s “Aida” has no painted pyramids and bronzed slave boys, it is instead an attempt to explore the limits of the grand political spectacle, which casts nations into the whirlwind of war and changes the fates of hundreds at a whim.

Uniforms for the Estonian Volunteer Rescue Association

The designs for the Estonian Volunteer Rescue Association are now ready.
EVRA is a non-profit organisation established in order to unite different voluntary rescue organisations and represent, execute and protect their interests. Today the Association has 96 member organisations, which represent 103 voluntary fire squads and 29 sea rescue teams. Through legal entities it unites more than 2000 people. 


From the workshops of Kratt

The preparations of ballet "Kratt" ("The Goblin") are well on their way in the Workshops of Estonian National Opera. The ballet is based on Estonian folklore, the composer of the piece is Eduard Tubin, choreographer Marina Kesler, stage designer Madis Nurms, costume designer Gerly Tinn, lights by Karmen Tellisaar and video by Argo Valdmaa.

See the design HERE >>

Premieré of "Aida"

Today marks the premieré of G.Verdi's opera "Aida" at Theatre Vanemuine, Tartu

In the main roles are winners of Klaudia Taev Competition  Jomante Shlezhaite (Lithuania) and Angelina Shvachka (Ukraine).  Radames is sung by Eduard Martyniuk (Belarus).  The stage director of the piece is Madis Nurms, conductor Erki Pehk, choreographer Teet Kask lighting designer Margus Vaigur, movement director Jelena Karpova

"Kratt" at the Estonian National Opera

In September 2015 a new production on "Kratt" ("The Goblin") - a ballet by Estonian composer Eduard Tubin will be staged at the Estonian National Opera. The choreographer of the production will be Marina Kesler, set designer Madis Nurms.

See the design HERE >>

Aida rehearsals begin

This week marks the beginning of stage rehearsals of Verdi’s „Aida“ at Theatre Vanemuine.

"Aida" is the next opera production of Pärnu International Opera Music Festival PromFest. It is staged as a cooperation project with Vanemuine Theatre.

The stage director of the piece is Madis Nurms who also designs the set and costumes of the piece, musical director and conductor Erki Pehk, choreographer Teet Kask, lighting designer Margus Vaigur and Movement director Jelena Karpova.

The premiere is on May 20th 2015.

See desingns for "Aida" HERE 

Designs for "Aida" transferred

Today the set and costume designs for an upcoming staging of G.Verdi's "Aida" were transferred to Theatre Vanemuine, Tartu. 

The premiere of "Aida" will be on May 20th 2015 and it will be a co-production between Pärnu Inernational Opera Music Festival PromFest and Tartu Theatre Vanemuine.

See more sketches for the opera HERE >>

Exhibition of dance costumes in Tartu

Solo exhibition of Madis Nurms was opened on the opening night of Teet Kask's ballet "GO - a Game for Two" in the small house of Vanemuine Theatre, Tartu.

Although the designer has mainly created costumes for the opera, this exhibition is focused on his costumes for dance and performances.

On display are stage costumes from different productions and though costumes are usually designed to be viewed from a distance, the audience now has an opportunity to have a closer look and also to feel the materials used. 

Sneak peek from the workshops

Here's an opportunity to see something before it is finished. Just a look at one of the costumes that are prepared for ballet "GO - a Game for Two" at the workshops of Theatre Vanemuine.

The first stage rehearsals of "GO" start tomorrow, October 7th.

First fittings of "GO - a play for two"

Today the first costume fittings of the ballet "GO - a play for two" took place at Theatre Vanemuine, Tartu. "GO" is an original ballet staged by Teet Kask, based on the music by Lepo Sumera. 

Design for ballet "GO" transferred

Today the set and costume designs for an upcoming dance performance "GO - a Game for Two" were transferred to Theatre Vanemuine, Tartu. "GO" is an original ballet staged by Teet Kask, based on the music by Lepo Sumera. 

The fabrics for the ballet are mostly ordered from Germany, though some of the materials have been found in vintage shops and some are fabric remnants rescued from large textile stores. The central colour used is vibrant orange - the color of the beginning and end - hue of the sunrise and sunset.

The design is quite minimal and uses geometric shapes, drawing inspiration from the works of the Italian Futurists and Soviet Constructivists in the beginning of the 20th century.

“GO” will have it's premiere on October 25th 2014.

See more sketches for the ballet HERE >>

The Green Week opening Ceremony

The opening ceremony of International Green Week (Grüne Woche) is held today January 16th in  Berlin, Germany.  This year the lavish ceremony is organized by Estonia. The ceremony is directed by Estonian choreographer Teet Kask, video design is by an innovative audiovisual company Thor Productions, costumes by Madis Nurms and lighting design by Margus Vaigur.

"Tsar's Bride" premiere in Lithuania

Tsar's Bride by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov will have it's premiere tomorrow, November 16th, 2013 at the Kaunas State Musical Theatre, Lithuania.

Corporate identity and clothes for I-Dent

I-Dent dentistry has just opened it's doors on Ravi street in the centre of Tallinn. The corporate identity, along with exterior and interior design elements and tailored clothes for the staff are designed by Madis Nurms

Green Week preparations in Berlin

This week the preparation process of the opening ceremony of International Green Week (Grüne Woche) takes place in  Berlin, Germany.

Last "Tsar's Bride" in Estonia

The last chance to see the production of N.Rimsky-Korsakov's opera "Tsar's Bride" in Estonia is on Thursday, August 15th 2013.  The performance will take place at the Brigitta Festival in Tallinn. The staging is specially adapted to the venue - a medieval monastery on the coast of Pirita bay. 

Two dance numbers at the Palmse Manor Music

The Grand Adagio from P. I. Tchaikovsky's "Swan Lake" and ballet from G.Verdi's "Aida" were performed on the lake of the Palmse Manor during the concert by Eesti Kontsert in front of the audience of over 1000 persons.

"Tsar's Bride" rehearsals begin

Last week marked the beginning of stage-rehearsals for Rimsky-Korsakov's "Tsars Bride".

See some pictures from the preparaton process HERE

Exhibition at Saaremaa Art Studio

On thursday, March 28th 2013  an solo exhibition of Madis Nurms will be opened at the Saaremaa Art Studio. 

Hear the interview about the exhibition by Tõnis Kipper at a local Radio Kadi in Estonian 

Tsar's Bride announced

The new production of Tsar's Bride, opera by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov was announced this Monday. The premiere is on June 6th 2013 at Endla Theatre, Pärnu.

"Attila" review in Teater.Muusika.Kino

Art critic Harry Liivrand calls "Attila"  "one of the most daring and textually motivated designs in the contemporary Estonian Opera Theatre". 

Premiere of "Ohlala..." tomorrow

Original ballet "Ohlala...Ça c’est passé comme ça" by Tõnu Veiler will have it's premieré tomorrow, April 2nd 2012.

Last day to see the costumes at Tartu Art School


The costumes of G.Verdi's "Attila" shown at the solo exhibition of works of  Madis Nurms travel back to Kaunas tomorrow, March 13th. Rest of the exhibition will stay opened until March 31st.

Exhibition at Tartu Art School

On thursday, 1 March an solo exhibition of Madis Nurms will be opened at the Tartu Art School. The exhibition focuses on the role of the designer in theater, the visitors are introduced to the process where sketches, drawings and models form the visual basis of a performance.


Starlight Cabaret premiere on Saturday

On October 15th 2011 a new cabaret show "Legends of Times" will be opened in the historic Viru Hotel. Some of the performers' costumes for the evening will be designed by Madis Nurms.

Last "Attila" today

The last chance to see the production of G.Verdi's "Attila" in Estonia arrives today, August 13th 2011.  The performance will also be broadcasted live via Classical Radio of Estonian Public Broadcasting.

"Attila" at the Birgitta Festival

 The production of G.Verdi's "Attila" will have its last performance in Estonia at the Birgitta festival in the medieval Pirita convent in Tallinn.


"Attila" premiere

June 2nd 2011 opera "Attila" by G.Verdi will have it's first performance in Pärnu during the International Opera Music Festival PromFest. Opera is directed by Üllar Saaremäe, musical director Erki Pehk, scenography by Madis Nurms, choreography Oleg Titov, lighting design by Margus Vaigur.

Underwater Kingdom returns

On June 4th the ballet divertissement "Underwater Kingdom" will have its second performance on the stage of Russian Theatre, Tallinn.

Three jellyfish from the ballet

"Attila" set comes together

April 18, 20-21 Madis Nurms spent in the workshops of Kaunas State Music Theatre, Lithuania and Pärnu Theatre Endla, Estonia. The gallery of the process can be found HERE >>

The first modules of the set design were assembled in the workshops of Pärnu Theatre. Also an ad-clip for the opera was filmed on the stage of Pärnu Theatre. Here's an overview of the process by Estonian Public Broadcasting News: 


The usage of nakedness on the opera stage. Part II

Read the second part of the article by Madis Nurms about nakedness and its reception in opera productions. The article was published in the magazine Teater.Muusika.Kino and is in Estonian. The first part of the article was published in the December, second in the February issue.

Soloist costumes of "Attila" transferred

This week the costume drawings for the soloists of "Attila" were transferred to Endla theatre, Pärnu. “Attila” will have its premiere on June 4th 2011 during the Pärnu International Opera Music Festival PromFest.

The original production of Verdi’s rare masterpiece will be staged by acknowledged drama director and actor Üllar Saaremäe.

See the first sketches HERE>>

Die Fledermaus premiere

Today, in about one hour the curtains will open for "Die Fledermaus" production in Parktheater, Eindhoven. 

The usage of nakedness on the opera stage. Part I

Read the first part of the article by Madis Nurms about nakedness and its reception in opera productions. The article was published in the magazine Teater.Muusika.Kino and is in Estonian. The second part of the article will be published in the February issue.  Read the article HERE>>

The last try outs of Die Fledermaus

Yesterday was the last try out of Die Fledermaus in Burgas, Bulgaria. After the show set and costumes were packed and are now on their way to the Netherlands.


The first rehearsals with the Fledermaus set

Today, after another intensive week of work finishing the set of „Die Fledermaus” it was ready for the rehearsals. 

The set is still missing some key elements and needs finishing touches but the overall image is there. The main focus is now shifting from the workshops to the costume department, where the soloists are having their first fittings.


You can see the pictures of the process HERE


In the Grand Theatre, Warsaw

Madis Nurms is on a two day trip to Warsaw Poland. There he will visit the National Opera called the Grand Theatre.

First Costumes of "Attila"

From December 16-17 Madis Nurms was in Kaunas where the first costumes of "Attila" were prepared.

Fledermaus designs transfered

From October 18th - 24th Madis Nurms was in Bulgaria, transfering the designs of "Die Fledermaus" to the workshops of Burgas Opera Theatre.

Masters thesis

Read the short overview of the masters thesis of Madis Nurms